Fire spitting
22 Oct 2022 Tags:
Me, spitting fire at the 2022’s Final of the prologin contest.
I was luck enough to have the chance to go to the Illuminated Ocean exhibition at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris and experiment seriously with my new camera there it was very fun!
I was very happy to see jellyfishes. My camera was displaying their blue as purple and I try playing with the withe balance settings of the camera but didn’t manage to fix it so i fixed it in post-processing.
The exhibition is until the 19 of January so if you have time I highly recommend it!
To see all the pictures I took go here and if you want to have some of the pictures in their original size ask me!
This is a fun project I started one day that I wanted to relax, and I started thanks to the coding train.
Daniel Shiffman is a fantstic energetic and sympathic programmer doing “creative coding” in JS. It is a real pleasure to follow it’s tutorial and they are always very inspiring.
So I started this tutorial :
Right now it looks like this and I may had a wind that would perturbe the calm and change the colors, one day. Try it!
And here is a another random p5 animation I did where circles are just pushed away with a force proportional to the distance to your cursor, because I was not very careful in my coding you can push the circles out of the screen. :D
I’m currently attending the MPRI (Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique) and we are loving the course on Scientific visualization and computer Graphics.
This course is taught by Damien Rohmer and Julien Tierny and is graded on an article presentation and a project (and an exam because the MPRI require it), and I would advise anyone who has the opportunity to take this course !
For the project we could do anything we wanted as long as it involved notion seen in the course.
With my friend Rémi Dupré we decided to model a scene underwater with jellyfish. It was his idea but mainly because I love jellyfish…
He handled the structure of meshes the creation of the scene in povray and I took care of designing the shape of the jellyfish.
Here is the Github repository and few pictures of the evolution of the project.
The link to the so called gif library. I’ve been a fan of cat gif for quite a while now…
Eventhough gif is one of the most inefficient format for small video, I just love seeing a cat do something stupid in a loop.
I did this with a small script a friend did photo2html, to have quickly a minimalist static gallery of picture. I modified it to accept gif format, to avoid recomputing all thumbs and finally to create a html to give a gif impression from a mp4 format (much lighter). Here is one example:
I’m sure he disaproves my usage of the tool, but I really like photo2html!