The Southwestern Europe Regional Contest (SWERC) is a 5-hour programming contest for teams of three students focused on algorithmic problem solving and practical coding. The winning team(s) of SWERC then advance to the ICPC World Finals and compete against teams from all over the world. I participated as a candidate in the SWERC from 2016 to 2018, and in 2024, I had the honor of becoming a judge. This meant creating a problem for the contest, helping review those created by the other judges, and during the contest, checking the code submitted by the students.
Science en courts is a short film festival where PhD students present their subjects to a general audience in 5 minutes. I participated in 2021 by co-creating the short film “Cocktails de bioinformatique” (the subject is not my own PhD subject), and then organized the festival in 2022.
For the year 2022-2023, I was the secretary of Nicomaque, an organization that mutualizes financial and human resources of projects organized by PhD students in Rennes.
Girls Can Code! is a student organization promoting programming and Computer Science to girls via free summer camps and 2-day workshops, founded in 2014 to promote diversity in computer science.
I organized and taught in those summer camps between 2016 and 2022, and during 2018-2019, I led the organization as a vice-president.
As a VP, I secured funding from Fondation Blaise Pascal (5000 €), BNP Paribas (3000 €), and Fondation Deloitte (1500 €). Overall, we handled a budget of 15000€. I also introduced a new format: two-day workshops. This allowed us to multiply and diversify our events, and this format is the most popular to this day. I put in place grants for girls to afford accommodation to come to the summer camps. I also rewrote several of the teaching materials, contributed to remaking the website, and handled communication such as writing portraits of pioneer women in computer science. This organization is very dear to my heart.
Prologin is a student organization that organizes a programming contest for French speakers under 20 years old. It aims at gathering young computer enthusiasts to meet and compete with one another.
Since 2018, I have been organizing (logistics, communication, securing funding, and leading other volunteers), writing algorithmic problems, exams, and unique games for the finale. For the year 2018-2019, I led as a vice-president, and in the 2019 and 2022 editions, I was a member of the jury evaluating the finalists.